MINI John Cooper Works 100% eléctrico: Consumo eléctrico (WLTP combinado): 15,3-16,4 kWh/100 km. Emisiones de CO₂ (WLTP combinado): 0 g/km. Autonomía con motor eléctrico (WLTP combinado): 344 – 371 Km.
Toda la información suministrada es meramente informativa e ilustrativa y se encuentra sujeta a cambios y modificaciones sin previo aviso y por ende NO constituye una oferta comercial ni se puede asimilar a ella. Regirán las condiciones vigentes al momento de la negociación. Para más información y para conocer el equipamiento definitivo del vehículo, el precio y las versiones disponibles en Colombia consulte un asesor comercial o comuníquese a la línea de servicio al cliente en Bogotá (6578080). Conoce nuestra política de tratamiento de datos personales en: o llamando al +57 (1) 6578080.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Pricing Details
Net price
Taxes and Fees
Total price
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Llevando las cosas a otro nivel, nuestros diseñadores e ingenieros se guían por su ambición de crear un coche de carreras orientado exclusivamente al circuito. Aman los retos. Salen de sus zonas de confort para añadir líneas, superficies y ángulos atrevidos.